Masonic Lodges  

No.103 No.114 No.116 No.275 No.347 .
No.354 No.1432 No.1230 No.1361 No.1557


Lodge Burnside No.1361

  Lodge Burnside No.1361
© No.1361  page1  1928   1929-59   1960s  1970s   1980-83   1984  1985-86   1987   1988-89   1990-93  1994   1995-98   1999   2000-01   2002-03   2004-07   2008-11   2012     2013-14  - 2014-15 - 2015-16  2016-17-18
2018-19 - 2019-20 - 2020-21   2021-22   2022-23  2023-24  
Bro.A.M.McGown   Bro.A.S.MacBride


Bro. Andrew S. MacBride PM


Bro A S
                        McBride  The NINE lodges who confer the 'MacBride Ritual' worldwide are :
 Founded / Year
 Leven St John
No.170  Dumbartonshire 1788
 Alexander Street, Renton, 
Scotland  2 & 4 Fridays
 Forfarshire 1882
 Carnoustie Bowls Club, DD7,7AB, 
Scotland  1 & 3 Tuesdays
 Glasgow 1898
 92 Dunbarton Road, Glasgow, G11 6NX, 
Scotland  4th Mondays
 Dumbartonshire 1923
 Napier Hall, Old Kilpatrick, G60 5JH, 
Scotland  3rd Mondays
 Renfrewshire East 1928
 Queen Street, Rutherglen, Glasgow G73
Scotland  1st Tuesdays
 Glasgow 1950
 38 Blackie St., Glasgow G3 8TW, 
Scotland  2nd Mondays
 Singapore 1918
 Freemasons Hall, 23 Coleman St. Singapore  4th Thursdays
 Ass. ne II Cinabro, Roma Viale, Parioli, 98,
Italy  1 & 3 Fridays
Bro. A.S. MacBride  The Earl of
 * Melbourne, 2018  Bayside Masonic Centre, 237 Nepean Highway, 
 Gardenvale, Melbourne, 
Australia  4 times p.a.
*Footnote:  the new Lodge started in Melbourne, Australia. Consecrated on 19th May 2018 and will be using the MacBride Ritual
 Lodge The Earl of Dunmore No.1686.    
The RWM is The Rt Hon 12th Earl of Dunmore, Malcolm Kenneth Murray, who lives in Devonport, Tasmania.
 The Lodge meets four times a year on a Saturday and is a 'dining lodge' with the ladies attending.

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  Lodges which use the MacBride ritual have been meeting with each other since 2013,
  each Lodge taking a turn to host the meeting and perform a degree.

(Much of the credit for this goes to Bro. John Newton P.M., Lodge Progress No.873 & Lodge HLI/RHF 1459
 MacBride Lodges 'get-the-githers':

'MacBride Lodge' Hosting the meeting
 07th May 

 Lodge Progress No.873 degree by Lodge Leven St.John
 03rd May 

 Lodge Leven St John No.170
  06th June 

 Lodge Dalhousie No.679
 21st May

 Lodge Burnside No.1361 attended by the Grand Master Mason of Scotland
                                                                  Charles I. R. Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont
 18th Sept 

 Lodge St Patrick No.1309
19th May

 Lodge Andrew MacBride 237, Rome, Italy
  six of the lodges were represented in Rome [The two exceptions were St.Patrick & Ailsa]
 11th May -

 Lodge HLI The Royal Highland Fusiliers No 1459
 This meeting was held in Neptune Masonic Hall, Glasgow.    Brochure from meeting
 24th Sept -

 Lodge Ailsa No.1172, Singapore   Cancelled Covid pandemic
   2021 - 2022 -

 No Meetings  Covid pandemic
 10th June 

 Lodge Leven St John No.170

22-24 Aug
 Lodge Ailsa No.1172, Singapore

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jewel case
 Bro.John Newton when RWM of Lodge Progress No.873 had this jewel made to be presented to the host MacBride Lodge each year.

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exerpt from A.S. MacBride, A Biography of his life and work
Taken from the Short Story by Brother John Agnew, Past Secretary Lodge Leven St John, ©1966 Lodge Leven St John        

Many say Brother A. S. MacBride was the greatest figure in Scottish Masonry, but who was the man and what made him this great figure?

Brother MacBride was a Justice of the Peace, he was initiated into Lodge Leven St John No 170, Renton. Became the Provincial Depute Grand Master of Dunbartonshire and was a Past Master of Lodge Leven St John, Renton and Lodge Progress, Glasgow. He was a higher thinker who compiled "the MacBride Ritual" and author of "Speculative Masonry" a literary masterpiece.

A. S. MacBride was born Andrew Somerville MacBride in December 1843 at Stirling Street, Renton, the son of John MacBride a cooper at Dalquhurn Works, Renton and Catherine Douglas a native of Bonawe, Argyllshire. Unfortunately John died in a cholera epidemic when Andrew was just 3 and it was undoubtedly his mother who influenced the boy's developing mind. Catherine was born a Gaelic speaker, and like many highlanders of that time she was a veritable mine of knowledge and mellifluous native tongue, better suited to the poet's art than is English. No doubt James, Andrew's older brother was the main income of the household, helping to support Catherine, Andrew and several sisters.

Over his lifetime we find Andrew amassing a considerable library in which could be found influential literary works from Butler, Milton, Shakespeare, Burns', as well as Young's "Night Thoughts" all of which he did not merely read but studied greatly, all of which influenced the future MacBride ritual.  
Like many a Scot (especially those with Celtic blood coursing in their veins) he loved his country and this is reflected in his literary works. During his life Andrew was the President of the Vale of Leven Liberal Association and to understand the man and his political beliefs a study of his works is required for which a large volume would be necessary and for which this short story can not do justice.

MacBride's activities were not entirely confined to writing for in 1875 - 1876 only two years after its inception we find him the 2nd president of the Scottish Football Association. It's then secretary described him as "one of the ablest and most respected gentlemen who ever adorned the position" and in 1901 we also find Andrew elected president of the An Comunn Gaidhealach - the society for the preservation of Gaelic culture and literature

On the 13th July 1866, A. S. MacBride was proposed by Brother John Donald and seconded by Brother Thomas Sutherland as a "fit and proper person to become a Mason and member of Lodge Leven St John, Renton, he was initiated that same evening in the old Black Bull Inn which was situated within the area now occupied by the playground of Renton School. On November 19th 1866 he was elected Secretary and Installed as Master in 22nd November 1867.

He remained in office for some 7 years (until 1874), he was re- elected Master again in 1879 holding office until 1884 and finally elected as master once more in 1887 occupying the chair until 1896, so that in all Brother MacBride was Master of Lodge Leven St John for 21 years.
In addition to his service to Lodge Leven St John, Brother MacBride affiliated to Lodge Progress, Glasgow on the 13th April 1900 and he was elected Master of that lodge on the 9th Nov 1900 and he was eventually installed into that office by the provincial Grand Master of Dunbartonshire on the 14th Dec, he held this officer until the following year.
Brother MacBride also played his part in the Provincial Lodge of Dunbartonshire holding successively the offices of PG Secretary, PG Junior Warden, PG Senior Warden and Depute PG Master, he was asked to have his name put forward for office in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow. This he refused as he thought his energies would be of better service in his lodge, but he served on their committee for a number of years. He was also a member of the Lodge of Research or the Quartuor Coronati Lodge

Until approximately 1870 the ritual enacted in Lodge Leven St John was based on "Preston's Illustrations of Freemasonry" originally published around the middle of the 18th Century.  In this ritual our illustrious brother found much to criticise with course and vulgar methods creeping in due to the previous owners failing to study the symbolism deeply enough, and them having but small conception of its real beauty and meaning.
Brother MacBride revised a ritual that would teach what it was meant to teach, without ever departing from the spirit and truth of Masonry.
He then published his "Masonic Instructor", next MacBride's "specification" books for the various masonic degrees were published, these enabled not only his own, but other lodges to "beautify and adorn" their work. These books of Specification have ever since been known as the "MacBride Ritual" and are used by McBride lodges worldwide to teach it members and new entrants the beauty and symbolism of masonry. 
Finally the series of lectures A.S. MacBride gave at the Lodges of Instruction were revised, compiled and published in the form of a small innocuous book titled "Speculative Masonry", this was "his last and greatest" literary work.

A. S. MacBride a true son of Renton sadly passed to the Great Lodge above in Dec 1923 aged 78 and his loss was a distinct bereavement to his family, The village of his birth and the craft.

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Articles (14) reference to Bro.A.S.MacBride

Issue 17 September 2002

The Installation Ceremony

A.S. MacBride

Issue 24 January 2005

Robert Burns as a Mason

A.S. MacBride

Issue 34 March 2008

A Fascinating Ideal

A.N. MacInnes

Issue 39 January 2010

Lodge Andrew S MacBride (No. 237 – Italy)

R. Romano

Issue 41 September 2010

Short History of Lodge Burnside No. 1361

N.G. Macleod

Issue 42 January 2011

Editorial – A.S. MacBride


Issue 47 September 2012

A Great Masonic Teacher – AS MacBride

J. Fort Newton

Issue 48 December 2012

The Lodge Master by A.S. Macbride

G. Macleod

Issue 54 December 2014

A Historic Occasion: 20th Anniversary of GL of Italy

A.S. MacBride

Issue 55 March 2015

The Four Hirams of Tyre

A.S. MacBride

Issue 60 December 2016

Lodge Progress No. 873 (1898-1948) – Part 1

A.S. MacBride

Issue 61 March 2017

Lodge Progress No. 873 (1898-1948) – Part 2

A.S. MacBride

Issue 63 January 2018

The “Macbride Meeting” (of Macbride Ritual Lodges)

D. Donaldson

Issue 65 September 2018

‘MacBride Ritual’ Lodges Visit to Rome, Italy


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A.S.MacBride PDFs
Brother Andrew Sommerville MacBride was initiated in Lodge Leven St. John on the 13th July, 1866.
On November the 19th, of the same year, he was elected Secretary; and on
November 22nd, 1867, he was elected Master.  The Lodge Leven St. John was constituted on April 9th, 1788

MacBride- Speculative Masonry                                                   


A.S. MacBride


MacBride- The Master of the Lodge – his Qualifications         


A.S. MacBride


MacBride- The Lodge Master   (booklet)                                    


A.S. MacBride


MacBride- The Square and the Cross                                    


A.S. MacBride


MacBride- The Four Hirams of Tyre                                


A.S. MacBride


MacBride- Installation Ceremony and Rite              


A.S. MacBride


MacBride- A great masonic teacher                                       


J. Fort Newton


MacBride- A Biography of his life and work by Past Sec. Leven St John


John Agnew


MacBride- Melbourne, 1686 Lodge article         


Kent Henderson


MacBride- Melbourne, 1686 consecration                          




MacBride- Lodges Rome Brochure May2018                       


Lodge 237 Italy


MacBride- Lodges Rome2018 visit                                




Bro. Andrew Somerville MacBride PM 170 & PM 873 - Pipe Tune
This pipe tune was composed by Bro. G. Gardner WSW of Lodge The Gael No.609
Initially proposed on 7th May 2013 by Bro. John Newton RWM Lodge Progress No.873 & P.M. of Lodge HLI / RHF No.1459.  Hand written score written by Pipe Major Gordon Walker, Lodge The Gael No.609 a double gold medallist and Glenfiddich Piping Champion.

macbride pipe tune
Hear the tune being played by Bro. G. Gardner, Lodge The Gael No.609


Our visit to ROME     18th - 21st May 2018   
Our Scottish deputation of eighteen (18) including four Reigning masters was headed by Burnside's RWM Keith Walton PM and we were warmly welcomed into the temple to the stirring sounds of bagpipes.
Rome May2018
see ROME 2018

© No.1361  page1  1928   1929-59   1960s  1970s   1980-83   1984  1985-86   1987   1988-89   1990-93  1994   1995-98   1999   2000-01   2002-03 
2004-07   2008-11   2012    2013-14    2014-15    2015-16   2016-18    2018-19    2019-20    2020-21   2021-22    2022-23   2023-24 
see Lodge Burnside on facebook webmaister:- Will.McArthur 1361 PM




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