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    Streets of Glesca ..........

   Troon Street, Dalmarnock


Troon Street photograph taken 2004 from the junction of Lily Street


Taking a walk along Troon Street to its other end I took this photograph from Irvine Street junction

Troon Street looking SW from Junction of Irvine Street 
The wee 'bluebell' car is parked outside No.35 and the flats seen at the end of the street are in Lily Street
Behind me between Kinnear Rd and Springfield Rd all the original houses have been demolished and phase 1 of new housing has begun


Extract from e-mail Mar 2005, GlescaPal Ella : Helen F. Martin ( nee Pritchard ), New York, USA
".......... thank you so very much for the picture of 35 Troon Street. I 'm sure you must know that I shed a few tears, since that is where I was born 69 years ago tomorrow. My memories and love of family are so strong and to me, number 35 always meant love and warmth. More so during the war when there was an air raid shelter in the back yard. I loved seeing your little Bluebell out front of the house. Thanks again Wull, you just made my day .............."
Extract from guestbook May 2005 James Stewart, Norfolk, England
..............This is a great websight iv just seen ma grannys hoose on here 35 Troon Street. Well that brought back some great memories, And Lilly Street doon the road a we bit,A went tay Rivvi School a left 1962 first job connels ginger factory as a drivers mate then G,C.Moore ..


         GlescaPal - Ella frae Troon Street



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