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Strathclyde Primary School  Bridgeton, Glasgow  1948


Back Row 1.  Alec Wylie
2.   Billy McCulloch
3.  Freddie McAlpine
6   Archie McQuarrie
4.   David Martin
5.  David Shaw
8  Danny Houston
4th Row 1. Robert Walker
2.  Archie Miller
3.  Alister Strickland
4.  Robert McAuley
6   Alex Lawrie
5. Jim Smith
7  Samuel Bryceland
3rd Row 1.  Jean Robertson
2.  Betty Brough
7   Isobel Cunningham
4.   Helen McArthur
8    Eleanor Johnstone
9    Ann Findlay
2nd Row 1.  June Fisher
2.  Betty Rowntree
7   Jean Daly
8   Jean Chalmers
9  Margaret O'Donnell
5.   Sadie McGrorie
10  Jean Davidson
11  Irene Bennett
Front Row 1. Jim Campbell
2.  John Winning
3.  James Winning
4. John Scott  5. Jim Simpson
6.  Jim Brown


Aug.2009 ..... Two school class photographs sent, 1946 & 1948 they are from my friend June Fisher who is in both of them. She can be contacted on my email address as she is not online.  We are enjoying your website, it is great. Thanks, Moira Mackay

March 2021, Email: John Winning, Age 81, Glasgow, Scotland
Back row:(8)Danny Houston.
4th row :(5) is Jim Smith and (6) is Alex Lawrie
Front row :1) Jim Campbell  (4) John Scott  (5) Jim Simpson. (6) Jim Brown
Afraid can't remember many of the girls named if I do remember I will be in touch thank you for a fantastic site I have spoken to some old school friends Bobby Walker is in Toronto Canada who tells me he met with I believe so is Sammy Bryceland there also  .
Great site thanks for all the work to develope and maintain it, I'm front row second left next to my twin brother Jim Winning.


A lifetime honour and timeless photograph on the web
for family and friends to enjoy



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