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PiggeryBrae - The Boys Brigade

 Glasgow Boys' Brigade companies
PiggeryBrae were delighted ( well 3 of us were ) to be nominated and accepted as Ambassadors for the Boys' Brigade in 2008/09, the 125th Anniversary of the organisation.
        Fergie was a BB boy and Captain
        Alastair BB boy and Queens badge man.
        Wull BB boy and Officer
        Ian, Scout.........


Glasgow Battalion, The Boys' Brigade
Cathkin District dinner 2006
12 Jan 2006 we entertained at the Boys Brigade dinner held in Cambuslang Rugby Club

Guest speakers were :

  • Rev John Speirs

  • Mr. John Neil OBE Brigade Honorary Secretary

With toasts from three NCO's :
Cpl.Ruadhri Hunter 278th     Snr.Scott Devlin 228th     Snr.Andrew Meddicks 228th
                    Vote of thanks :
Sgt.Kenny Sinclair     Piper: Snr.James Wallace



BB Dinner

photo from Rutherglen Reformer 



 Glasgow Battalion, The Boys' Brigade
Cathkin District dinner 2007
11 Jan 2007 we were asked back!!  We were delighted to entertain again at the BB dinner.

Guest speakers this year were :

  • Rev Adamina Younger, Captain of the 228 BB

  • Mr. Robert Brown MSP (LibDem)

  • Mr. Walter Smith OBE ( manager of Rangers FC )

With toasts from three NCO's :
Cpl.Christopher Linich 231st   L/Cpl Murray Scott 231st   S.Sgt Greg Cunningham 205th
Vote of thanks :
Rev. John Speirs    Chairman : S/Sgt.Kenny Sinclair 231st

  Once again it was a very enjoyable evening, nice meal, good speeches & of course PiggeryBrae!


Nice to see Walter Smith at the dinner supporting the Boys Brigade, he and his brother were members of the 136th BB Company from Carmyle, just across the River Clyde from Cambuslang.

 He was on the programme as the manager of Scotland but two days ago he was appointed the manager of Rangers FC. and of course he wanted his photo taken with us!

         Webmaister Wull,                   Fergi            Walter                Alastair                 Ian

Boys Brigade 125th anniversary

PiggeryBrae were delighted ( well 3 of us were ) to be nominated and accepted as Ambassadors for the Boys' Brigade in 2008/09,
the 125th Anniversary of the organisation.
Fergie was a BB boy and Captain,    Alastair BB boy and Queens badge man.    Wull BB boy and Officer,    Ian, Scout.........
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
To celebrate our new found status of Ambassadors we donated £250 to each of the
two local Cambuslang companies.

The 217th Gilbertfield from Flemington-Hallside Church and

The 229th Glasgow from Cambuslang Parish Church



Concert in aid of the Stedfast Association Glasgow was held in Cathcart Church on Thu.18th Nov.2010.  We were delighted to support this organisation and all proceeds from the concert went to their funds.
On a personal note it was wonderful to see so many well kent faces from my days in the Boys' Brigade.

Stedfast Association, Glasgow

       Webmaister   Nov.2010  delighted to meet up with Bill, his wife Mary and John Cooper at this PiggeryBrae concert in aid of funds for the Glasgow Stedfast Association held in Cathcart Trinity Church.
                                                           Bill Livingston and his wife Mary with yer Webmaister!
                                               Aye fantastic to meet up with Bill again after all these years.... a BB legend!


PiggeryBrae Stedfast concertfootnote  December 2010

were made honorary members of the Glasgow Stedfast Association

we were delighted to receive this honour.

PiggeryBrae 229th22 October 2011

The 229th Glasgow Company Centenary Dinner at Cambuslang Rugby Club

PiggeryBrae Stedfast concertDecember 2011

Donation to local Boys Brigade, the 246th Glasgow company from Fernhill & Cathkin Church  

PiggeryBrae Stedfast concert2014 - 2019 annually
£100 Donations to local Boys Brigade, the 229th Glasgow company from Cambuslang Church  &


£100 Donations to local Boys Brigade, the 217th Gilbertfield company from
Flemington-Hallside Church

                        Stedfast concert2021

£150 Donation to local Boys Brigade, the 229th Glasgow company from Cambuslang Church

229th BB Glasgow

Glasgow BB
see Glasgow BB Companies, photos, history etc
GlescaPals website

PiggeryBrae a get together of folk music, humour & patter

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