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GlescaPal Scotty ........ Jim Rafferty


nov 2009


  GlescaPal Scotty was born in Glasgow on 1st Sept.1949
now resides in  Treharris, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales



GlescaPal 'Scotty' was born in Glesca's Whitevale Street in1949, his father was in the Military, so he spent a lot of his childhood travelling the world and returning to stay with his Granny in Potter Street, Auchenshuggle, between postings.
Nigh on all of his living relatives are of his Mother's side - Hemphill, and are scattered all over Western Scotland. Thanks to the GlescaPals messageboard, he found one of his cousins in 2008 and is looking forward to finding more of them.
Whilst staying in Auchenshuggle, opposite the potter in Potter St, he attended London Road school.  
            He used to follow follow the Gers at Ibrox with his uncle Albert, and his auntie Jean worked in McFarlane Lang's biscuit factory before she moved to USA and married Ernie Hickman. They lived in New Jersey, then Panama, and have now retired to Florida. They had a son, Dale.
    He has a sister Frances and surviving brothers Graham (Ray) and Gordon live in Nottinghamshire.  
Scotty's Mum Robina, known as Rena sadly died this year, 2009. His Dad Patrick Joseph, who was of Irish/Glaswegian heritage, passed away 4 years ago. (2005) 




Scotty came to his first GlescaPals Hoose Party held in Morrison's Lounge on September 2008 and as you kin see frae the photie he also brought his guitar

and Scotty said "the best social event ah've been tae fer a lang time!!"



then in 2009.....
GlescaPals Hoose Party, Sept 2009




GlescaPal Scotty frae Wales & GlescaPal oor Wullie frae Germany !!!

Scotty made a wonderful contribution tae the evening by bringing along his PA system and of course his guitar!


Scotty plays guitar with rock 'n roll band
The Blue Blisters

The Blue Blisters


He is also intae photography
hiv a look at his `magical memory` website
Magical Memory

Scotty became a GlescaPal on 16th April 2008 and since then has been a prolific poster on the messageboard.
He attends the GlescaPals meetings & Hoose Parties whenever he can & has very quickly became a 'star' GlescaPal

A real sport is Scotty for 2010 we produced a GlescaPals Glam Calendar
Scotty is pin-up guy Mr.July

wan o' mah favourite photies frae the calendar 
always makes me smile!


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Scotty has fully embraced the ethos of GlescaPals and is a fabulous member
on 27th Nov.2010 he organised the 1st GlescaPals Hoose Party in Wales.



.... a lifetime entry in GlescaPals.......get your webpage .





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creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
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