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 Glasgow Green   the washing lines   


Glasgow Green was a traditional area for washing clothes.
A Washhouse was established on the Green in 1732 and continued until 1820. 
The Green's proximity to Glasgow's congested East End made this facility especially dear to the working class population. 'Steamies' evolved from the Glasgow Green washhouse.
Subsequent facilities included public baths to encourage personal hygiene. Tenement houses had back-court drying greens, often with a communal washhouse. Others had a sink at the top of the stairs. This was known in Ulster and in Glasgow as the "jaw-box". "Jaw" meaning to pour. Conversations held over the sink unit were also known as jaw. 

The drying green east of the People's Palace was erected so that washing could dry in the open air and up until 1977 many women still preferred to bring washing to the clothes poles on the Green.

Templeton's carpet factory in the background of these 1940's photographs




1964 -Two wummin sitting on the grass at Glesga Green waiting for their washing tae dry.
Knitting was a great past time I remember my Mammy was always knitting, one of the wummin obviously enjoyed knitting too. 

Lovely day out sitting in the park having a natter wi' yer pal...
Nice wee pram and look at the clothes on the line



Glasgow Green

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