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   St.Clement's Church of Scotland, Brook St. Bridgeton page1 page3 page5
page2 page4  


 Another wonderful find from GlescaPal Ella, in New York, USA (Helen Fairley Pritchard)
 Her baptism records, through Sunday School to her 5th birthday.
 Ella was born in 35 Troon Street, Dalmarnock the youngest of ten children. She went to Springfield Primary
 School, then to Riverside Sen.Sec School. She married James Martin from the Calton and they emigrated to
 the USA in 1959..... See her GlescaPals webpage                                   
Cards page1    Cards page2 



Extract from email 11 May 2009
Hello Webmaister Wull: 
Thank you for your offer to post my church cards. 
Like I mentioned before, they are old, but I have done the best I can do in scanning them, so I hope that you find them suitable for the website. 
My best wishes to you and your family, and again, many thanks.
GlescaPal Ella...xx




Baptized 5th April 1936



1st Birthday card from the Sunday School 22nd March 1937




2nd Birthday card from the Sunday School 22nd March 1938




  Sunday School cards & Baptism
1928 - 1930
Sunday School cards & Communion
1931 - 1933, 1943
108th Boys Brigade
  Sunday School cards I & Baptism
1936 - 1938
Sunday School cards II
1939 - 1941




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  © welcome to  GlescaPals / GlesgaPals  remember to sign the Guestbook 
creator, owner & webmaister  Aug.2002 
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